Einladung: Buchpräsentation im Palais Bellevue

Abendveranstaltung zu der Publikation „Bruch und Kontinuität. Kunst und Kulturpolitik nach dem Nationalsozialismus"

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024, the documenta Institute, in cooperation with the Literaturhaus Kassel, will present the publication "Bruch und Kontinuität: Kunst und Kulturpolitik nach dem Nationalsozialismus". In dialogues with the editors Maria Neumann and Felix Vogel, the historian Jutta Braun and a film contribution by the two artists Fabian Bechtle and Leon Kahane, the structures and practices of art and cultural policy after 1945 will be examined.

The cultural policy of the immediate post-war period has still not been analyzed. Yet 1945 was not simply a turning point in this area either, as is often assumed. The contributions in this book question apparent inevitabilities and attempt to open up spaces of possibility across disciplines that are not free of contradictions. On the one hand, art and cultural policy in the post-war period are considered in their diversity and independently of their later success. On the other hand, this is linked to a critical reflection on research and memory, which has contributed to the perpetuation of well-known narratives and also explains why a comprehensive examination of the continuities and ruptures in the field of art and culture is still lacking.

Date: Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Time: 7 - 9 pm
Place: Palais Bellevue, Schöne Aussicht 2, 34117 Kassel

Free Entry
No registration required


Welcoming address Andreas Hoffmann (Managing Director documenta and Museum Fridericianum gGmbH)

Heinz Bude (Founding Director, documenta Institute) in conversation with Maria Neumann (Research Associate, documenta Institute) and Felix Vogel (Professor of "Art and Knowledge", documenta Institute)

Maria Neumann and Felix Vogel in conversation with Jutta Braun (Leibniz Center for Contemporary History Potsdam) BKM project,

Fabian Bechtle and Leon Kahane (Forum Democratic Culture and Contemporary Art) present the film "Der Erlösungskomplex" followed by a discussion


Official Press Photos

The official press photos can be downloaded here.